Message from The President

As a partner who can solve every issue in BtoB Sales into the future.
To Realize the BtoB Sales Reformation using Digital Inside Sales
Since its inauguration in 2002, our company has been offering the services for Inside Sales as a measure to solve the problems in BtoB Sales. Inside Sales imply a certain sales activity or a sales rep. who engages in such activities where some parts of BtoB Sales processes are carried out by means of various channels such as telephone calls, mails, or social networking services without the actual field sales. In the conventional sales model, a sales rep. is in charge of all the processes in BtoB Sales. In the new sales model, BtoB Sales processes are shared between the Inside Sales and the field sales, and in this way the sales efficiency is elevated to make 1+1 into 3. In the past, foreign capital companies were the ones eager to introduce this Inside Sales, and in recent years more Japanese companies are beginning to positively examine their introduction of Inside Sales. We analyze this fact as the result of our aging society and the declining birth rate in Japan. We will have continuous decline in labor population, and it would be unrealistic for businesses to depend upon the number of sales reps for their output and continuous grow.At present we are experiencing the dramatic progresses in IT technologies including AI: artificial intelligence. We have incorporated AI and other technologies into the Inside Sales functions to make Inside Sales evolve into Digital Inside Sales. Digital Inside Sales are more effective in creating and nurturing the opportunities, and through the coordination with the Marketing Automation and other measures it has evolved into a tougher model that enables the revenue increase. We are determined to furthermore advance our service qualities by digitally well equipping the Inside Sales.
BRIDGE International Corporation President and Chief Executive Officer Michimasa Yoshida
- March 1983
- Graduated from Tokyo University of Science, Department of Engineering and Management
- April 1983
- Joined IBM JapanSales Division Manager, Director of Sales Department
- 1993
- Assistant Vice President
- 1994
- On loan to IBM US
Worked for Corporate Strategy, PC Company - January 1997
- Joined Siebel Systems in US
- February 1997
- Established Siebel Japan Ltd.
Managing Director - January 2002
- Established BRIDGE International Corporation
President and Chief Executive Officer